Special Services
The Special Services Division is a new program created to support students in meeting their fullest potential through different mediums. This program provides mental health and special education services. This includes individualized counseling and academic support services for identified students.
Students are referred through a referral system by staff members, and undergo individualized assessments to detect and determine eligibility for special services. Through our team-approach, each student will have an individualized plan, which will incorporate provisional diagnoses, attainable goals, and actionable steps to best support the student.

Ms. Savanah Cambridge
This program will is overseen by Ms. Savannah Cambridge, HIGS’ School Counselor. Ms. Cambridge has a background in psychology with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Master of Science in Counseling Psychology and experience in individual and group counseling.
Ms. Kamera Cartwright
Ms. Kaméra Cartwright is a Certified Trained Teacher. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in History and a Diploma in Education, specializing in History and Geography. She is trained in multiple disciplines, which affords her the opportunity to teach various subjects. Ms. Cartwright has five years of teaching experience and ten years of tutoring experience within The Bahamas public education and private school sectors.

Ms. Kamilah Ellis
Ms. Kaitlin Lederer is a certified special education teacher. She is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Global and International Education, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education, and has over five years of experience working in Philadelphia and The Bahamas in providing special education services.
Ms. Crystal Lawson
Ms. Lawson is a veteran reading teacher who has worked with EEO for the past 20 years to improve student literacy on the island of Eleuthera. Her role at our institution is to provide early reading intervention in order to meet the academic standard of our institution.
In partnership with
The Caribbean Center for Child Development
Nassau, Bahamas.